Software Engineer

About Me


New York University
Sep 2016 - May 2020
B.A. in Computer Science, Minor in Mathematics
Relevant Coursework
  • Data Structures
  • Basic Algorithms
  • Applied Internet Technologies
  • Parallel Computing
  • Database Design & Web Implementation
  • Large Scale Web Applications
  • Data Science
  • Social Networking
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Processing Big Data
  • Calculus 3
  • Linear Algebra
  • Discrete Math
  • Statistics
Based in New York. Willing to relocate to Seattle, Portland, or Denver.


Programming Languages
  • Java
  • C#
  • TypeScript
  • Python
Front-End Technologies
  • React
  • Angular 2+
  • ChartsJS
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Kendo
  • Material UI
  • HTML
Backend-End and DevOps Technologies
  • Spring
  • GraphQL
  • Maven
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • Socket.IO
  • Docker
  • Git
Data Engineering Technologies
  • Scrapy
  • Pandas
  • Regex
Database Technologies
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL



Aug 2021 - Present

Software Engineer
Focus: Full Stack

Publicis Sapient

Oct 2020 - Aug 2021

Junior Software Engineer
Focus: Backend


Jun 2020 - Sep 2020

Data Engineer Intern
Focus: Data Engineering


Jun 2019 - Aug 2019

Software Engineering Intern
Focus: Backend/DevOps

Cohen & Steers

Jun 2018 - Aug 2018

Summer IT Associate
Focus: Frontend

New York University

Feb 2018 - May 2018

Student Software Engineer
Focus: Frontend



Hills is built to discover thousands of local and international ski resorts. Hills allows skiers and snowboarders to find the perfect ski resorts that fit their liking.

Core Features
  • View Ski Terrain Breakdown
  • View Ski Lifts
  • View Trail Map
  • View Resort Website
  • Filter and Search Ski Resorts
  • Travel Times and Prices
  • Find local restaurants, hotels, and ski shops
Built with: MongoDB, Express, NodeJS, Angular, Bootstrap, Kendo, Typescript



Github: whc105

LinkedIn: wei-huan-chen